Welcome to my site.
Hi there! All things Ukraine, political philosophy, travel, and whatever else I decide to write about.
I’m a PhD student in political philosophy, with over 3 years of experience living in Ukraine. Ukraine is a deeply fascinating, beautiful, sometimes confusing, and inspiring country, and I think I will never be able to say everything I want to about it, but it is worth trying. I will sometimes write about other things related to my personal or academic interests.
My primary specialisation is matters of freedom and justice, especially in relation to work and market economies. However, I ended up becoming more interested in Ukraine over time and how we can apply theoretical tools to issues in Ukraine.
Also, I am an avid NAFO member.
For any enquiries, contact: contactme@jjplace.co.uk

Insight into Ukraine
My personal opinions and perspective on life in Ukraine.

Analysis and Thought
Deeper political thought and examination of theoretical ideas.

Travel Stories
I also like to travel, and will sometimes write about that.